Enter In. Keep Record. Take Action. Repeat.

I don’t have it all figured out, far from it. But here’s what I do know, I’m as close to God as I choose to be. This goes for you as well.

So then do I choose God or does he choose me? Both.

I’m learning that in the seasonality of life, God reveals himself in new and inspiring ways, He’s never dulled or muted, but always timely and profoundly insightful. As a result, the ebb and flow of my spiritual condition is entirely contingent upon my willingness to enter in and seek him.

As I’ve journeyed into seeing the vision of Kinsmen Journal come to fruition, I’ve quickly realized how there’s much I have yet to learn about myself. Therefore, where do I start? By speaking to God. I’ve found that as I write words on paper, I not only remember them, but I’m visually reminded of the moments God spoke.

I’ll start by sharing a prayer I’ve written in this process:

 Father, professionally speaking, my deepest desire is to find fulfillment in my work. Sometimes I wrestle with the daily tasks that seem insignificant and trivial. Help me to realign my perspective in the everyday. May the central focus of my thoughts be anchored not in the immediate and gratifying, but in your promises, and in the unseen meaningful and lasting moments each day.

Father, give me patience and endurance. Patience to recognize your handiwork and favor, especially when my impatient eyes can’t see it. And endurance, endurance to stay the course and not lose sight of you when my flesh wearies as this is not a sprint, but a journey worth savoring.

I pray for favor and provision.

I pray for ideation and divine creativity.

 I pray for writers, creators, and contributors who whole-heartedly align with this vision.

I pray for partners, patrons to see the Kinsmen vision come to pass.

I pray for distribution, that doors would fling wide open.

I pray salvation over the lives of people, and that through this platform each would be inspired to draw closer to God and embrace their loving and merciful Heavenly Father.

I pray that the power and presence of the Holy Spirit would meet each of us where we are, to equip and empower us as men in the everyday pursuits of life.

I pray my personal ambition and pride would consistently be drowned out from a posture of humility and surrender to God’s vision and plan for my life.


As of this writing, I could share dozens of confirmations where I’ve seen the providence of God at work in my life while seeing this vision come to pass, it’s humbling. Yet it gives me the proper perspective and a necessary reminder of my need to pursue his presence each step along the way.

I’ll leave you with this:

Enter into his presence, listen and keep record of how and when he speaks, take appropriate action, then do it again

Peter Ostapko

Peter is the Founder and Publisher of Kinsmen Journal. Publishing has long been a dream of his, though only in recent years did the dream become more clear. This platform and voice has been birthed out of his belief that God is good, and that each of us have a story to tell, because of a Savior that redeems. 

If you’d like to share a story idea, learn how you can partner with Kinsmen Journal, or simply to connect with Peter, email him at peter@kinsmenjournal.com


Brand of the Believer


Abundance > Scarcity